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Digital Asset Management Software for Designers

August 20, 2021
Digital Asset Management Software for Designers

If your design workflow continues to get interrupted by a steady increase in creative requests, it might be time to explore a new creative asset management system. Sifting through files and folders can eat up more of your creative time than any other task. This can prove to be especially true if you need to track down files for a project that a coworker was owning or if your workflow hasn’t been optimized for multiple users.

With a leading-edge digital asset management (DAM) system, more time can be allocated for the innovative designs clients expect from your brand. Your team can effectively coordinate its efforts for each client and integrate best practices for file management across the board. Discover how this type of software streamlines workflows, optimizes storage, and is a huge benefit for designers.

How DAM Software Benefits Designers

As a professional, you’re an expert in crafting designs tailored to the individual needs of your customers. DAM software serves as a central location for your multimedia content. From images and videos to fonts and logos, everything can be stored in one place. Here are just a few of the ways professional designers use design content management tools to their advantage.

Create Brand-Specific Collections
Housing carefully curated image libraries is one of the biggest benefits a creative asset management system can offer a designer. Whether you’re a freelancer or corporate marketing firm, an efficient workflow requires the ability to find the files you need fast. A system that utilizes thumbnails and previews makes it easy for fellow designers, clients, sales teams, and department heads to find files at a glance.

By grouping creative files by marketing campaigns or branding initiatives, it’s easier to ensure messaging is consistent for each client you serve. This helps keep your team’s design efforts on target and assures you and your colleagues are aligned across multiple projects at any given point in time.

Quickly Pinpoint Images
Put images, videos, logo designs, and other digital files at your fingertips using personalized metadata annotations for each file upload. With wording and naming conventions that reflect the language naturally used by you or your team, locating specific graphics is easy for every team member involved in a project. By adding tags, keywords, and other identifiers, you’ll be able to find files faster.

Share Design Files with Convenience and Security
Improve access to the graphics used each day, and make file sharing secure. You and your design team can send customers a link rather than sending large design files through multiple emails or an external Cloud storage hub. Using a digital asset management system with built-in security that bridges collaboration helps minimize excessive sharing without permission.

When materials require extra protection, links can be set to expire by a certain date. By using specific rules to grant permissions within your system, you can allow freelancers from partnering agencies to access design files temporarily and easily find out who has access to your digital collections at any given time.

Secure Storage and IT Support
A DAM platform can also streamline storage. Introducing cloud-based storage to your business provides greater ease when sharing materials, as well as better security. You’ll be more protected from damaged hardware, hacked email accounts, backup failures, and other unfortunate events that could potentially affect your hard work. What’s more, the IT support that accompanies your software can help you with anything you need.

Supervise Intellectual Property
With all the files you use for the different projects, it can be difficult to track licenses and legal documentation of each stock photo. However, your creative asset management system can make tracking and updating the fine print easier for everyone. This ensures all licensing agreements are meticulously up-to-date, fosters compliance, and reduces the risk for potential legal issues down the road.

Manage Multiple File Types
From the images you touched up in Adobe to the audio that accompanies your advertisements, a platform that can handle the files you use each day is a must. Using a design asset management platform that works with audio, email, image, HTML, video, and other files can extend your organizational capabilities.

Do you need those files converted on the spot? Innovative software that allows seamless conversions and resolution adjustments can meet the needs of an agile workflow.

Learn More about Digital Asset Management

Explore digital design asset management tools from MarcomGather. Our options are made to simplify everyday tasks, giving you and your team greater freedom to collaborate together. Connect with the team at MarcomCentral to discuss digital asset management tools or experience our software for yourself via our free trial.