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Digital Asset Management

No one has time to fish through overflowing, unorganized shared drives. MarcomCentral’s visually organized collections get you to what you’re after with speed and clarity.

Find files faster


Icon: Peace of mind

Eliminate File Sprawl

Put all your company assets in one place for a single source of truth.

Icon: Get instantly familiar

Get Instantly Familiar

Customize users, tags, collections, and other settings so you can personalize the platform and work more intuitively from the get-go.

Icon: Save your team's time

Designed to be Simple

Built from the ground up as a foundational and easy to use platform. Import your files with our integrated shared drives and get organized.

Icon: Build a brand centric library

Build a brand-centric library

Use asset collections to sort and curate content into themes, campaigns and other categories that make sense for your brand.

Icon: Tag without even trying

Edit inline

Keep editing inline and on platform to reduce back and forths as you work together across teams.

Icon: Drag, drop, tag, move on

Drag, drop, tag, and move on

Create a new digital asset collection in just seconds with a simple move and easy tagging.

Dropbox Onboarding
Google Drive Onboarding
One Drive Onboarding

Seamless integration with your favorite tools

Bring the tools you use across your organization together with MarcomCentral

Explore Integrations

Create. Collaborate. Share.

Empower your team and mobilize your brand with custom solutions

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