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MarcomCentral vs. Dropbox: Which Is Best for Digital Asset Management?

October 02, 2024
MarcomCentral vs. Dropbox: Which Is Best for Digital Asset Management?

Regardless of the industry you work in, digital asset management (DAM) is integral to an organization’s overall success. It streamlines the processes of storing, organizing, and sharing these assets, helping businesses achieve more effective organizational transparency, resource allocation, and brand consistency. With various tools available to help organizations with DAM, you might wonder – which solution is best? 

Dropbox is a popular tool businesses use to store, share, and access files across devices. Teams find the cloud-based Dropbox to be affordable and user-friendly. However, it’s not the only solution you need for DAM. Consider MarcomCentral, a DAM solution that empowers full-service brand management and distributed marketing. MarcomCentral not only offers unique benefits for DAM. It also offers Dropbox integration. You can seamlessly move files from Dropbox accounts into the brand management portal to centralize assets.

Your organization might already use Dropbox and has been using it for years. It works well, so you’re hesitant to explore other solutions like MarcomCentral. However, relying solely on Dropbox or a similar tool means missing out on the benefits of DAM software. Here, we examine Marcom vs. Dropbox to help you enhance DAM and distributed marketing processes at your business. 

PricingUnlimited users (enterprise solution)Per person
SpeedGeo-redundant storage (GRS)Block-level sync, LAN sync.
SecurityEncrypts data in transit and rest, passwordless login supportedEncrypts data in transit and at rest; 2FA via SMS, app, phone call, physical key; passwordless login; end-to-end encryption available.
Search FunctionalitySimple tagging system - 7 seconds or lessRequires naming files to easily find - can take up to 1 minute
File SharingSharable links support expiration datesBasic permission management. Shareable links support password protection and expiration dates. One-click shareable links from desktop.
File Recovery and Change HistoryChanges recorded and labeled with user information, change details, and date/time stampCan recover files deleted or changed within past 30 days. Highest paid plan offers 10-year limit.
Integrations and WorkflowAbundant - 20+Limited - 7
Customer ServiceAutomated service desk available to contact support representativesVary by plan and account type
CustomizationMany customization features - meant to be distributedUpload and store

Marcom vs. Dropbox: Key Differences 


How much does it cost? This question is often the first when investing in any new solution. Businesses have tight budgets, and they want to ensure any new technology will offer a return on investment without having high upfront and maintenance costs. See how pricing options differ: 


MarcomCentral is an enterprise solution, so our pricing plans reflect these needs. We offer several plans, all designed for unlimited users. As your business scales up and new people join the team, you don’t need to worry about your costs increasing.


Dropbox also offers several plans, each with different features. The main difference is that Dropbox charges per person. Some plans include more than one user, but the size of your workforce will dictate the cost. It can make scaling up services less cost-effective. 


Dropbox or DAM – which is faster? The answer is found in the technology that powers these tools. Choose the solution that best keeps up with the pace of your organization. 


MarcomCentral uses geo-redundant storage (GRS), which offers exceptional durability for storage resources. GRS copies your data synchronously three times within a single physical location in the primary region using locally redundant storage (LRS). It copies your data asynchronously to a single physical location in a secondary region miles away from the primary region. Your data is again copied synchronously three times in the secondary region. If outages occur, businesses have data stored in a separate location. 


Dropbox offers two options for syncing files across devices – block-level and LAN. Block-level syncing happens when only changed portions of a file are copied, instead of the entire file. Files are broken into blocks. When Dropbox scans each file for syncing, it compares the new and existing files. Only blocks that have been updated will sync. 

Some businesses like block-level syncing because of its speed. It’s true that syncing existing files between devices can be fast. However, it takes longer to upload an entire file the first time. Only with subsequent syncs will the difference in speed be apparent.

An alternative to block-level syncing is LAN syncing. LAN refers to a local area network, a wireless or Ethernet connection between devices within an area. Dropbox users can enable LAN syncs for files stored on the LAN, which can speed up syncing. The downside is that LAN is intended for users operating at a specific location. It may not be feasible for hybrid and remote teams. LAN setup can also be expensive, so businesses want to ensure they can afford the solution. 


According to Identity Theft Resource Center’s 2023 Annual Data Breach Report, data compromises increased by 78% between 2022 and 2023. There’s no wonder why businesses prioritize security with every decision involving data. Dropbox and DAM solutions like MarcomCentral can offer multiple features and benefits, but they’re null and void without robust security. 


MarcomCentral ensures your data is encrypted while at rest and in transit. It also supports passwordless login, helping eliminate the security risks of using passwords that might be easy for hackers to breach. Not all users handle passwords the same way. Some jot them down on paper, which could inadvertently expose them to others at the office who are not authorized to access the same assets. Others store them in unprotected plain text documents, leaving them vulnerable to security breaches. With passwordless login, your business receives an added layer of security. 


Dropbox’s security features compare well with MarcomCentral’s. It offers end-to-end encryption for data in transit and at rest, plus passwordless login. The software leverages common authentication methods like two-factor authentication (2FA) with options to authenticate via SMS, phone call, the Dropbox app, or a physical key. 

Search Functionality 

In addition to sync speed, you want to consider efficiency in finding the correct files. Team members need to easily locate items for better productivity. Choose software that makes searching for assets a breeze. 


MarcomCentral makes file search easy with a simple tagging system. You can create a new collection for similar digital assets and input a keyword to tag the grouping. The whole process takes seven seconds or less and there’s no need to create folders. You don’t even need to create keywords, as MarcomCentral uses artificial intelligence (AI) to auto-tag collections. Team members can find the assets they need within seconds. 

Besides using keywords, Marcom users can also filter results by asset type, upload date, file size, and similar aspects to further simplify asset search.  


With Dropbox, users must name files if they hope to locate them easily. Determining the right names for files can take up to one minute. It might not seem like a long time, but if you’re managing hundreds of files, it can add up. Over time, manual file naming can reduce efficiency. 

File Sharing 

Various departments share files for completing tasks, from marketing to sales to field teams. What’s more, your business might follow a hybrid or remote work model. Distributed teams need access to up-to-date and compliant content so your business can ensure brand consistency. As much as file sharing should be simple, organizations also want to ensure the security of assets in transit. 


The longer a shared link remains active, the greater the security risk. Applying expiration dates ensures shared links become inactive after a predetermined period. Team members can easily share files with others who need them, but a limited window of access helps reduce the chance of a cybersecurity threat. Expiration dates are especially important when sharing large files and give users more control over DAM. 


Dropbox users appreciate that they can share links to files of all sizes and types, even to users without Dropbox accounts. For security, Dropbox offers basic permission management, plus password protection and expiration dates on shared links. Distributed teams like that shareable links are accessible from anywhere and with any device, from desktop computers to smartphones. 

File Recovery and Change History 

Situations might occur where you must recover deleted files or revert changed files back to the original content. You want software that simplifies file recovery and allows you to review version history. These functions minimize the impact of accidental deletions and help teams understand changes to ensure organization-wide consistency. 


MarcomCental offers in-depth information about your organization’s version history. Changes are recorded and labeled with user information and specifics (what changes were made and why). Versions also have date and time stamps for tracking purposes. 


With Dropbox, users can recover files deleted or modified within the past 30 days. Depending on the plan, you can recover files from further in the past, with the highest-paid plan offering a 10-year limit. Dropbox also enables users to access version history and undo changes made on any file type.  

Integrations and Workflow 

Even small businesses use an incredible number of technologies to support operations. According to some research, the average small business (500 employees or less) uses 172 applications. You can imagine how much more mid-size and large enterprises use. As such, solutions that enable integration with existing technologies are crucial. It ensures a smooth transition when implementing new software or systems. 


MarcomCentral integrates with more than 20 applications. It centralizes access to brand assets and collateral and enhances platforms to streamline workflows. Besides Dropbox, other integrations you can achieve with MarcomCentral include: 

  • Adobe Creative Suite 
  • Asana 
  • Gmail 
  • Google Analytics 
  • Google Drive Onboarding 
  • HubSpot 
  • Microsoft Word and PowerPoint 
  • One Drive Onboarding 
  • Salesforce 
  • Slack 


Dropbox also offers integrations to help enhance numerous tasks, from creative efforts to marketing and sales to project management. However, Dropbox users are limited, as the software currently integrates with only seven common applications. 

Customer Service 

Experiencing some obstacles when implementing any new tech is common. When problems happen or you have questions, knowing support is available offers peace of mind. The best distributed marketing tools come with great customer service. 


Choosing MarcomCentral means accessing an automated service desk whenever your teams encounter challenges with the platform. This gives you the option to resolve simple issues yourself. The Support Center also has representatives available to help teams solve more complicated problems. 


Dropbox offers similar functions to ensure customers have support, but restrictions apply based on plan and account type. For example, users with Dropbox Basic can access the help center, community forums, and chatbot. However, email, live chat, and phone support are only available with higher-tier plans. 


Although DAM is a core function of any business, not all organizations have the same concerns. Some industries have stricter compliance guidelines. Dispersed teams might be more concerned about collateral distribution than primarily in-office teams. For reasons like these, businesses seek customizable solutions. 


MarcomCentral is designed for distributed marketing. We recognize the importance of customization for brand consistency across departments and channels. MarcomCentral offers fully customizable templates, allowing teams to tailor collateral according to their objectives. Since these templates are approved, businesses don’t need to worry about violating compliance or neglecting consistency. This customization ensures that distributed teams can access updated and compliant collateral easily. 


Dropbox’s branding sharing gives files a personalized touch by allowing users to add company names, logos, and images to shared links. This customization can help collateral stand out in an inbox, leaving a better impression than less personalized collateral. However, teams might find themselves wanting more advanced customization features when sharing collateral among dispersed teams. 

Features of the Best DAM and Distributed Marketing Tools 

MarcomCentral and Dropbox are by no means the only DAM solutions. One of the most common challenges that businesses face is locating the right technologies to support DAM. No two organizations are exactly alike. The choice will involve examining your processes and pain points to determine the best tools for your needs. 

That said, some features are found in all the best DAM and distributed marketing tools. They include: 

  • Handles different asset types: From text to image to video files and more, you want a DAM system that works well with the many types of assets your business manages. It should also be able to handle various formats, whether it’s structured or unstructured data or scanned and electronic files. 
  • Supports several user roles: Although different teams have unique tasks, they all access similar assets. DAM tools support enhanced efficiency for marketing, sales, and field teams. 
  • Accessibility on different devices: Team members use different devices to access assets. Whether they use desktop computers or mobile devices, they should have the same experience and access no matter how they connect. 
  • Reliable infrastructure: When investing in any technology, ensure it’s built on a powerful and secure foundation. Factors like flexibility, availability, and scalability indicate the software’s ability to deliver on its promises. 
  • Third-party integrations: Enterprise resource planning, customer relationship management platforms, and project management – these are just some tools businesses want to integrate with DAM platforms. 

Marcom vs. Dropbox: Which Is Best? 

There’s no right or wrong answer to which tools you use but you want to consider their implications. For instance, cloud-based file sharing with Dropbox is easy for storing assets, allowing team members to upload as needed. However, this convenience can become a challenge because team members may upload files without thinking about how easy it will be for other employees to access the file another time. 

Although it can be ideal for individual users, Dropbox lacks some of the features that businesses need for effective DAM. MarcomCentral enhances efforts by organizing assets for efficiency. Advantages your business will experience by choosing MarcomCentral include: 

  • Centralized access to assets to eliminate file sprawl 
  • Intuitive design makes this platform easy for all team members to use 
  • Integrated shared drives enable the seamless importing of files 
  • Personalization with custom options for users, tags, and collections 
  • Brand-centric library with asset collections organized by categories like campaign or theme 
  • Inline editing improves efficiency with cross-team collaboration 

Businesses also find that MarcomCentral differs from traditional DAM tools, which often only house assets on the platform until teams need to use them in other apps. Instead, MarcomCentral lets users incorporate assets into customizable products for physical or digital distribution. 

Digital Asset Management and More with MarcomCentral 

From healthcare to finance to retail, there’s no industry where digital asset management isn’t important. What tools will you choose to support your DAM efforts? Businesses across industries rely on one of the best distributed marketing tools available – MarcomCentral. 

Our on-demand marketing platform supports all print and digital collateral to drive growth through your sales channels. In addition to asset management, MarcomCentral empowers effortless customization, workflow automation, painless distribution, and compliance. Contact us to learn more about what MarcomCentral can do for your organization or request a demo today.