Craft Brewery Chooses MarcomCentral to Centralize Assets and Enable Distributor Network
A Michigan based craft brewery is one of the fastest growing in the country with world-class beers that they’ve been brewing since the early 2000’s. Ranked one of the top breweries in the world by Ratebeer.com for the last five years, their marketing programs and distributor network have grown right alongside their highly rated beers.
When Shared Folders Aren’t Enough
Prior to bringing on MarcomCentral, the brewery’s marketing department was creating campaigns to promote their products while also signing on new reps across the country to sell their beer. Both required a wide variety of marketing materials, from large printed banners, videos, and ads, to presentations and proposals. As the marketing team received more requests for materials and churned out all types of collateral, they needed a location to save these materials that could be organized and have shared access. They used Dropbox for marketing campaign assets and a separate portal just for distributors. However, this quickly became unmanageable as finding a single image or file was taking too long and the organization of the shared folders had become a mess. The marketing team realized they needed a better solution for managing their brand assets.
Marketing Assets Now Available On-Demand
After careful evaluation of several platforms, MarcomCentral was selected as their asset management solution. It was chosen not only for its ability to store and organize all their collateral, but because of the robust customization and distribution options. With MarcomCentral, the brewery consolidated its various shared folders and now had a single source of truth for all marketing materials. Another requirement for their new solution, was that it be mobile responsive for their employees and partners in the field.
The brewery has over 400 users who access the MarcomCentral portal. That includes 300 reps and distributors who can retrieve sales collateral at any time, from anywhere without having to make a request to the brewery’s marketing team. Being mobile responsive, a team member can be in store or on the road and get the assets they need to be successful in their business transactions.
The brewery currently has user groups for 9 regions set up in their MarcomCentral portal that provide custom sales materials for that particular target audience. New user groups can be set up easily, which allows the brewery to sign on more reps and distributors while easing the burden of collateral requests on the marketing team. As the brewery continues to grow and add more reps and distributors, they have a solution in place that allows their marketing to scale.