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MarcomCentral Named Best-in-Class, Local Marketing Automation Platform

August 05, 2014
MarcomCentral Named Best-in-Class, Local Marketing Automation Platform

MarcomCentral, the premier online portal provider of customizable yet brand compliant local marketing communications, is chosen as a user top-performer by Gleanster Research.

The newly released “2014 Localized Marketing Automation Gleansight Benchmark Report” investigates top local marketing automation technologies as well as the challenges facing corporations looking for a scalable solution. Based on user feedback, MarcomCentral received high marks in “Overall value” and “Ease of Deployment”, and best-in-class honors for “Features and Functionality”. New features and functionality is something the solution prides itself upon as, this year, the platform made even greater enhancements to their portals’ already popular usability and customization, as well as its personalization tools.