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What Is Through-Channel Marketing Automation and Which Companies Use It?

May 11, 2022
What Is Through-Channel Marketing Automation and Which Companies Use It?

A successful marketing campaign requires engagement with local sales channels and a strong understanding of brand asset management and awareness.

Through-channel marketing automation (TCMA) has become an important tool for driving sales in localized markets for many businesses.

What Is Through-Channel Marketing Automation?


Through channel marketing automation is a technology that helps organizations improve the effectiveness of their marketing by allowing them to better support partners with promotional materials and collateral that can boost sales.

With through-channel marketing automation, companies can reduce time and costs, and streamline how branded collaterals are distributed across partners so that marketing teams don’t have to worry about campaigns being inconsistent across different partner or sponsor channels..

Which Companies Benefit from Using TCMA?

TCMA has become an increasingly popular way for businesses to operate across dynamic markets. This approach is essential for improving growth.

Companies of all types can benefit from using TCMA including but not limited to:

Large Enterprises

Deploying branded products across different markets can be a huge logistical challenge for large enterprises. TCMA can give marketing managers for large national brands access to curated data that they can use to deploy focused marketing strategies and generate sales.

Fast-Growing SMEs

Small and mid-sized enterprises (SMEs) are often unable to gain traction in broader markets, leaving them without the means to scale operations effectively. With TCMA, fast-growing SMEs can leverage easy-to-use and accessible tools and services that let them define coordinated strategies and deploy them where needed.

Multiple Location Businesses

Businesses that operate across multiple locations often find it difficult to maintain operational efficiency while delivering their marketing strategies. 

With TCMA, businesses working in different locations have access to various distribution channels and marketing tools that allow them to operate effectively no matter where they are.


For franchises, maintaining brand consistency across different channels and physical locations is essential. Through-channel marketing automation offers retailers reliable support systems to promote their products and services. With TCMA, franchises can leverage consumer awareness to drive sales using location-based advertising and offers. 

4 Things to Look for in a Through-Channel Marketing Automation Platform

Person stares at text list options

TCMA platforms offer buyers, sellers, and partners improved visibility and communication when dealing with one another across multiple markets. 

Decision-makers working on marketing strategies can use a channel marketing platform to help them define their brand and build awareness.

1. Does it Offer the Features Your Business Needs

Businesses that want to deploy TCMA for their marketing strategies should consider what capabilities they will get with their chosen platform. Group and user management, digital branding software, and supply-chain tracking are only some of the features that users should consider when deciding which TCMA platform is right for them.

2. Safety of Your Data and Brand Assets

Although TCMA platforms provide essential benefits to business, decision-makers should always double-check if the TCMA tool has a robust data security system in place to make sure that files and assets don’t get exposed. With cyber attacks reaching record numbers in recent years, choosing tools that you can trust with your brand assets should be done with caution.

Luckily, many TCMA platforms offer fraud analysis and prevention alongside essential vendor software, making it easier to operate securely across different channels.

3. Reliable system to support your partners

When looking for ways to deliver marketing strategies, businesses need to be able to rely on their partners. TCMA platforms give users up-to-date tools and real-time support so they wouldn’t be left unable to deliver on their strategic goals.

4. Affordability

The vast majority of marketing departments operate within a defined budget, leaving minimal room for error or wasteful spending. With through-channel marketing automation platforms, organizations can effectively define and improve upon their core business while staying within budget. This strategy helps them save money and deliver best-in-class marketing solutions across multiple channels.

How Through-Channel Marketing Automation Improves Your Business

TCMA has become essential for businesses that want reliable tools for dealing with their multi-channel marketing needs. No matter what type of business, TCMA is an effective solution that will provide measurable results.

Maintain Brand Consistency

For businesses working across multiple channels, maintaining brand consistency is vital. Leveraging TCMA gives your brand a single source of truth, a place where everyone in and out of the organization can go to grab approved branded materials. This allows your organization to scale and onboard new partners, vendors, franchisees, locations, and more extremely quickly. 

Streamline Creative Collaboration

Marketing products across multiple channels can be complicated when an organization lacks the creativity to distribute content to various groups. With TCMA software, companies are able to overcome this issue because the ideation and brainstorming of new marketing collaterals is done online on a shared file that can be accessed by all relevant parties in a software that is specifically designed to meet the communication needs of companies and their partners.

Reduce Marketing Operating Costs

Managing budgets and financing for various people, projects, and platforms can be exceedingly tricky. Businesses that want to improve their bottom line can use TCMA to reduce their workloads while improving operational performance. TCMA can empower every department to be a part of the marketing and messaging effort with pre-approved, but customized marketing materials.  Brands that prioritize partners across different channels can leverage insights to save money, producing the materials that work the best or are most used. 

MarcomCentral Offers Through-Channel Marketing Automation

MarcomCentral offers a through-channel marketing automation solution to help you stay true to your message while delivering custom marketing and brand awareness to more clients. 

At MarcomCentral, we offer enterprise-grade distributed marketing services to clients in various industries. If you’re in healthcare, finance, education, or any other field, we’re here to make sure you have access to consistent data-collection tools for building practical marketing campaigns.